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Adat Shalom Women's League

For the best user experience and to easily auto-populate your existing account information please log in to your Adat Shalom member account and then type your name in the box just above that says "Enter a Name." If you are not signed in or don't have an Adat Shalom account, simply proceed to the form below.

Contact Information

Membership Dues

Event & Program Registration Fees

General Donation to the Women's League

If you are paying by credit card, on the next page, please select "Authorize.netand then enter your credit card information. Please keep the "Donate fee" selection marked.

You can only pay by check if you're logged in to your Adat Shalom account. Once logged in, on the next page please select "Bill to My Account" and then bring a check to the event or the Adat Shalom office.
Tue, October 15 2024 13 Tishrei 5785