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Upcoming Events at Adat Shalom

Crash Course In Israeli History


Nova Exhibition Group Visit


Women's League Shabbat In The Garden


Membership Open House



Do you know someone in the neighborhood who doesn’t belong to a synagogue but is always asking you for High Holiday tickets? 

Maybe you know of a young married couple, or single person, who is too busy to think about joining a synagogue?  

Perhaps you know a colleague who recently moved to Los Angeles who needs a place for High Holidays.

Then send them this invitation to Adat Shalom Community Open House on September 8, at 4pm. 

We’ll have wine and cheese, a quick introduction about what Adat Shalom has to offer and a tour of the campus. It’s a lovely opportunity to meet the Adat Shalom community, chat with Rabbi Miriam Potok and sing along with Cantor Dale.  

Then, let the games begin … everyone is welcome to stay for Game night on the Patio! 

The open house is free, but RSVP is required - click here to register.

Adat Shalom Game Night



Back by popular demand, Adat Shalom Game night returns!

The perfect way to end the summer!

BYOG - Bring your own game… or two!

Do you want to teach Mah Jong or Cribbage? Perhaps you want to learn Mah Jong or Cribbage? Come to Game Night and take a chance.

There’ll be plenty of pizza, candy and snacks …. Bring your friends, bring your kids, it’s fun for all ages

Game Night is on the Patio and free - RSVP is required by clicking here so we order enough pizza!

Adat Shalom Book Club



Israeli Dance

Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784