Support Israel
Israel Action Page
Adat Shalom Partnership with Israel’s ADI-Negev/Nahalat Eran Rehabilitation Center
Adat Shalom is proud to partner with ADI Negev-Nahalat Eran in their compassionate and vitally important work. ADI Negev-Nahalat Eran is a unique and innovative rehabilitation and recovery facility in Israel's Negev desert committed to helping individuals living with disabilities.
WhatsApp Israel Support Group
Show your support for Israel by joining a special group on WhatsApp. Click here for the link to join!
Every day you get a chance to send 10 to 15 pre-written emails - just click and your messages are sent. It's easy to do and politically effective...
Urgent Phone Calls Needed to Congress
Anti-Israel activists are calling members of Congress and telling them to abandon Israel. Now more than ever, we need pro-Israel Americans to call their members of Congress to let them know you stand with Israel.
This new website helps you do just that:
Please take a minute to visit that website and forward this email to family and friends so our elected officials hear from pro-Israel Americans!
Blue Ribbons
Our Israeli our Hearts & Prayers
We want to support our Adat Shalom family who have family and friends serving in the IDF. We also want to create a special mishaberach list to say a prayer of healing for those IDF soldiers, and relatives of the Adat Shalom community who have been wounded.
If you would like to include the name of a family member or friend, in Israel, please email information to either Marcia Machol or Ron Weinrich.
Family members who are serving in the IDF - Marcia Machol -
Misheberach List - Ron Weinrich -
Our Adat Shalom family who have family and friends serving in the IDF:
Dick and Leah Bernstein: Rotem, Daniel, and Tomer, cousins of Dick and Leah
Aliza Wine and Jonathan Marcus: Ezra Ariel, son of Aliza Ora
Marcia Machol: Nadav, Lior, and Eliel, Grandsons of Marcia
Marla and Jaime Knoll: Ophir, cousin
Miriam Kosberg and Carin Schachat: Nachshon ben Yaakov, and Bezalel ben Yaakov
Yoel Cohen: Joseph, Shachar, Micha, Nir, Aviv, Lea, Guy
Cousins of Jonathan Marcus and Dennis Cozen:
יעקב צדוק בן עדנה יוכבד
ישי בן עדנה יוכבד
אורי בן רחל צירל
שגב בן רוני בת ציון
אורי בן רוני בת ציון
לוי בן חיה
אברהם יצחק בן אסתר
משולם מאיר בן מאשה
משולם מאיר בן מאשה ורדה
אביחי בן צירל בריינדל
אברהם פנחס בן צירל בריינדל
מלכיאל נעם בן צירל בריינדל
חן יהונתן בן צפורה פוריה
יאיר בן רבקה
אלון בן נעמה
עדן בן אילנה
שהם בן אילנה
שלם בן אילנה
אריאל בן ברכה
שרגא יאיר בן אילה טובה
נתנאל ברק בן גאולה
Ways to Donate
Our brothers and sisters in Israel are in urgent need of our support. Giving financial gifts allows us to make a direct and beneficial impact in this time of tragedy. There are many worthy organizations asking for support.
Here are some to consider:
Rabbi Potok's Sermon, "Darkness and Light"
Saturday, October 14, 2023
Rabbi Potok's Sermon, "God is a Warrior"
October 20, 2023
"Al Shlosha Devarim" Part I with Rabbi Miriam Potok
November 5, 2023
Click here for video.
Write and Call Politicians
Politicians and their staffs do count the number of letters, the number of phone calls and the number of emails they receive. Write as often as you are able. Be clear in your subject heading and first sentence. Your comments are categorized by the early words in your letter.
a. President Biden
b. Senator Padilla
Senator Butler (CA) 202-938-2747 mostly voicemail
c. Congressperson Ted Lieu
Representative Brad Sherman 202-639-5322
d. Write the UN, the EU, Diplomats from other countries/consulates… keep writing
What should you say?
Subject heading: Support Israel against Terrorism and Barbarism
Body: Thank them for supporting Israel. Explain your concerns such as --- I am pleased by the support of Israel during this horrible time, but concerned it may not last. Israel needs support for the longer term.
Hamas is a terrorist organization that killed more Jewish civilians in one day than any action since the Nazi Holocaust. Their despicable actions merit a strong response, even destruction of the organization to offer Israel safety and security.
Additionally, is a regularly updated website with action steps.
Talking to children about what's happening in Israel now
From the desk of Rabbi Karen Isenberg, Adat Shalom Religious School Director:
I highly recommend the following article by Dr. Sivan Zakai for talking to your children in specific age groups about what is going on in Israel. In it, she gives some very concrete examples of conversations you can have with children of different age groups. Here is the website:
Sun, February 16 2025
18 Shevat 5785
Adat Shalom (310) 475-4985 | | 3030 Westwood Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90034
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